Flowering Tree Farm
Sales Policy
General Info
The well-being of our goats is of utmost importance to us, to that end we reserve the right to keep any goat from any breeding and/or cancel the sale of our animals to anyone for any reason. If we cancel any sale all deposits made to Flowering Tree Farm toward said sale will be refunded. Failure of the buyer to fulfill their part of the agreement does not constitute a cancellation by Flowering Tree Farm and the deposit will not be refunded.
Goats are herd animals. Flowering Tree Farm will not sell goats to a home without other goats or multiple goats must be purchased. We recommend purchasing two or more goats to ease the transition to a new home and to support that we offer a discount of 10% for the purchase of multiple animals.
Goats will be tattooed (except wethers) and disbudded (if not polled) before leaving Flowering Tree Farm. If a wether leaves as a bottle kid before they are 8 weeks old they can be brought back at 8 weeks of age or older to be castrated (we use the Burdizzo (clamping) method as we feel it is the most humane for the wether).
Kids will receive their CD/T vaccination at 4 and 8 weeks of age. If they are sold as bottle babies before they reach either of these ages they can be brought back to receive their vaccine and booster.
Flowering Tree Farm tests annually for CAE, CL, and Johnes. Results are available by request.
All sales are final. Flowering Tree Farm guarantees that all goats sold will be healthy at the time of sale but because we have no control over their environment and treatment once they leave our farm we cannot guarantee their health, height, performance, personality, or quality and all liability and responsibility for the goat is the responsibility of the buyer. If a goat is sold bred, it is understood that said bred animal is presumed bred and is not guaranteed to carry to term or birth live kids.
That being said, we want our goats to thrive wherever they go. If there are any problems please reach out as soon as possible and we will do everything we can to help. The health and well being of our goats is extremely important to us, even after they leave our farm.
If you would like to have your goat vet checked or you need a health certificate for travel, Flowering Tree Farm can make an appointment with our vet. Buyer is responsible for all fees and funds must be received prior to vet being called out.
Most of our goats will be able to be dual registered ADGA and AGS but currently there are a few that can only be registered in one or the other at the time of purchase (you can always register them with the other registries later once their initial registration is complete). Registration options for each goat are listed on the sale page of our website. Goats that are registered ADGA will be registered at the time of pickup through the ADGA website or all of the paperwork necessary to register the goat will be sent with the buyer. Registration and transfer fees will be sent to the ADGA cart of and paid by the buyer. If the goat is to be registered AGS paperwork will be given at pickup and will need to be submitted by the buyer.
There will be some goats that will be sold unregistered as pet wethers or pet does if we feel they are not an improvement on our breeding program. This does not mean that these goats are of low quality and they may make excellent pets and/or family milkers. Prices will be reduced for unregistered animals.
Sales info
The price of our registered animals is based on their lineage and conformation along with the appraisal, performance, and production records of their dam, sire, granddams, and grandsires.
The base price for all registered animals in 2024 is $400 and increases based on the aforementioned criteria.
Once a sale has been agreed on the buyer has 24 hours to submit a deposit of 50% of the purchase price with the remainder due at pickup. Deposit can be made via Paypal, Venmo, cash, or check and final payment must be cash, Paypal, or Venmo. To find us on Venmo or Paypal search @flowering_tree_farm.
Deposits are non-refundable unless there is a health or physical problem with the goat and in that situation the deposit can be transferred to another goat or be fully refunded.
Failure to pick up the goat within 48 hours of the agreed upon pickup date will forfeit the deposit unless there is an agreement of both parties, in writing, to extend the pickup date.
If there is a need for Flowering Tree Farm to hold the goat beyond the agreed upon pickup date there will be a fee of $5 per day and this fee must be paid in full at the time of pickup. Should Flowering Tree Farm feel the need to hold a kid beyond the agreed upon pickup date for health reasons there will be no fee.
Ownership of the goat will not transfer to the buyer until payment has been made in full. Until final payment is made the goats are owned by Flowering Tree Farm.
Goats are considered for sale until the 50% deposit is received, they are then considered reserved until full payment has been made or the sale has been canceled.
Preference will be given to performance herds (DHIR, Linear Appraisal/Classification, and ADGA/AGS sanctioned shows) and 4H families.
Performance Rebates
Buyers who purchase a goat after 1/1/2024 will receive a $50 credit toward the purchase of future goats for any of the following:
Earn an AR milk star on a Flowering Tree doe
Earn a +B/+S on a Flowering Tree buck
Receive a Linear Appraisal or Classification score on a Flowering Tree doe or buck
Get a champion leg on a Flowering Tree doe or buck
Maximum credit is $250 (based on earning a star, LA, and 3 show legs)
If the goat is to be transported buyer is to make all arrangements and pay all costs of transport.
If Flowering Tree Farm feels the method of transport is unsafe or unhealthy for the goat we reserve the right to refuse transport until satisfactory arrangements can be made.
Please keep in mind that the moving of kids to a new home is very stressful and it is not uncommon for kids to develop coccidiosis after the move. Kids will be given preventative coccidia treatment while at Flowering Tree Farm but it is important for buyers to be prepared to treat (either preemptively or responsively) any issues that may come up due to stress and a new environment. We have recommendations for treatment if you need any advice.
Ultimately, we want to breed the highest quality goats as possible (production, appraisal, and in the show ring) and see them end up in loving, healthy homes. All of THIS above is to try to make that happen. The most important part of any agreement is communication so please reach out to us with your thoughts and questions and we will do our best to communicate clearly and honestly with you during every step of the process.